My oldest daughter with a learning disability loves shrimp tempura but she never eats it, doesn't take one bite. Last time when when we got udon she was really disappointed that it wasn't on the menu. I was wondering if there was some difference in flavor but all she wanted to do was watch me eat the shrimp tempura at the end.

"It's like the Ministry of Defense supporting the Taliban. 'Monthly allowances of 144,000 yen were paid to executive officials and 83,000 yen to executive trainees. As of April last year, the allowance budget was about 58 million yen.'"


"That's amazing. Are they unable to recognize international opinion, or are they unwilling to look at it? This decision itself is dangerous, Ministry of Defense."

"Will the Ministry of Defense accept the leaders of an organization that staged a coup? I think that's far from rational judgment."

"What exactly is the Ministry of Defense planning to protect us from? I think a detailed explanation needs to be given to the public 🙇"

"just like Russia."

"Groups that have been hostile towards Japan should be surveilled. I'm not sure when it ended, but it's only natural to warn the public about groups that once aimed for violent social revolution and caused many deaths and injuries."

"Anti-war demonstrations LOL It's obvious that the ministry's intentions are not to prevent another war lol"

"They call themselves anti-war demonstrators but isn't it anti-Japanese in reality? If they hate the JSDF increasing their capabilities, they should fly out to China or Korea and demand disarmament there."

"Because this is a country where real estate firms run national newspapers."

"If you look reallllly closely at the news, the pre-election framing directs people to think 'in any case' and 'it doesn't matter.' They reframe 'the problem' into 'what to pay attention to,' something to take lightly. Rather than right or wrong, or what are the pros and cons they always ask 'why.' They try to get the public to dismiss it as 'unavoidable.'"

"Sounds about right."

"In any case, such rankings don't have any objective evaluation criteria based on evidence. There's little basis for judging whether the rankings are valid or reliable."

"No. 1 in the ranking of not reporting the news"

"People have to go on strike and fight for a child to be born? And there's still a possibility that the child will be repatriated to the mother's home country? This technical intern policy doesn't treat people as people. It's beyond embarrassing, there's something wrong with the MPs who came up with it."

"Because someone working in Japan became pregnant and gave birth I think we should reform the citizenship code and give this child Japanese citizenship."

"As expected from "Cool Japan," An incompetent and exclusionary island that can't even understand human rights."

"Even though I was a part-time worker and was covered by social insurance, I wasn't allowed to take childcare leave. I had no choice but to become a dependent, and I have been working part-time on my husband's days off two months after giving birth. I couldn't feel secure just because the company was big. My rights were taken away~"

"Good for us, we're #1"

"In addition elderly women have the highest poverty rate"

"G6. In reality Japan is left outside the mosquito net."

"Japan is the only country in the world that encourages its young people to drink alcohol. Is the government more concerned with tax revenue than the health of its citizens?"

"Lower the consumption tax and liquor tax in the first place to create an environment where consumption is more conducive."

"This is what real government leadership looks like. Well played Japan."

"Probably not a gaffe, but reality."

"He just said the truth. "

"Excellent biden. Keep on saying whatever."

"I hope the Japanese will not be forced to shoulder the burden of this shoddy diplomacy that only serves the interests of an export economy"

"In the United States, Ospreys do not train in residential areas due to frequent fatal accidents. But in Japan, they fly directly above residential areas without even revealing the cause of the accidents. This is essentially a declaration to the world that "Japan is not a sovereign nation. The Self-Defense Forces are under the command of the U.S. military."

"A disgrace that Japan has air rights over its capital city held by a foreign country."

"Not even touched on by the news. Being able to eat uni must trump the lives of laborers."

"There's youtube shorts about Kura Sushi, but every time I see one I think, "But they're forcing people to commit suicide by self-immolation through harmful workplaces," especially when broiled salmon comes up.."

  • "Kura Sushi - Employee sets themselves on fire in the parking lot
  • Sushiro - Fined over false advertizing
  • Hamazushi - Under the same corporate umbrella as Sukiya which relies on understaffed restaurants
  • Kappa sushi - Forced labor of kappa
  • Is there a revolving sushi restaurant you can trust?"

    "There was a self-immolation so Kura Sushi was the only place that was almost void of customers"

  • Industrial spray dryer firm wins wrongful imprisonment case, government ordered to pay 570 million yen ($3.9 million) in damages - Public Safety Agency had "fabricated" and "concealed" key evidence

    "On TV I heard the broadcasting staff off-camera reflexively say "what?" when the presenter said the bill applies to divorcees."

    "Even if they get divorced they're still the parents. Joint custody is obviously natural"

    "The irony is, the Australian government has been dragged into changing its custody laws, ending the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility, through years of shame after failing to protect victims of domestic violence."

    "A society where the bottom has fallen out."

    Sri Lankan woman fleeing abusive partner dies in Japanese custody

    Japan, looking for money, removes ban on casino gambling

    Tama city residents' blood PFAS levels 2.4 times surveyed average

    Yokosuka airbase declines PFAS water testing - US spokesperson: "Base wastewater evaluation unneccesary" "Not legally obligated to share data"

    "Joining the military to eat 3 meals a day. Walking backwards into the pre-industrial era."

    "These are children with zero future prospects, so in a way it makes sense for the Self-Defense Forces to pick them up."

    "Depends on the base you're stationed at but appparently the food is pretty bad, even worse than in a prison."

    "Apparently the US military recruits soldiers mainly from poor areas. It may be common around the world for young people from poor areas to become soldiers."

    "The government is marketing war through influencers."

    "Amazing that they don't even bother to hide it."

    "This article is fake news attempting to shape public opinion."

    "An idea that really seems like it's from the prewar era. If the media doesn't start doing their own independent reporting from now on and just relays the information that comes out of the government, we'll really be going back to the pre-war days."

    "Is support for national defense bad? Influencers are fine, but I think the problem lies more with the media manipulating public opinion to be anti-war and war-weary 😑"

    "A result of the new invoice requirements? Basically a message that the weak should die."

    "The economy seems to be doing wonderfully well. Stock prices are at their highest, and bankruptcies are at their highest. The household finances are in shambles and families are struggling financially. Bankruptcy is an easy thing to say, but it means a lot of people will become unemployed. If you are over 45 and have no experience or qualifications, you will be rejected at the application stage."

    "Those who said, 'The cheaper the yen, the better,' must have known this would happen..."

    "In a different age it wouldn't be surprising if something like the Shimabara Rebellion occurred."

    "A really awful false imprisonment case. I remember someone in the past shouted "shoplifting" and was subdued by the police and died as a result. Reminded me of that." 

    "They didn't even see the theft, didn't check their inventory, didn't check the security cameras, and reported it to the police. Didn't apologize to the woman. They didn't even mention on their website that they misidentified her as a shoplifter."

    "Heiwado, where an elderly woman was mistakenly arrested for shoplifting inarizushi, likes a post on their official twitter account saying "customers are a nuisance"

    "When I was a child, I went to a nearby castle and picked up a lot of acorns. I stopped by a supermarket where my brother was buying snacks for school trips, and when I was about to leave the store, an old lady called me and made me take out all the acorns in my pockets. The old lady didn't even apologize to me, and later came to apologize to my mother with a box of sweets. Apologize to me!!"

    "The Bank of Japan is struggling to achieve a soft landing for its monetary easing."

    "Truly a man-made disaster."

    "In Japan, you can get a double cheeseburger, fries, and iced coffee with the best service with a smile for almost the same price as in Germany, where the service is sullen and you can only drink Sprite. This is the difference between the world's third and fourth largest economies! "

    "The impact of long-term bad governance and exchange rates"

    "Total failure in recognizing the danger to freedom of expression when charging fees for demonstrations."

    "Lack of imagination for people saying 2500 yen is nothing"

    "No reason for it to go up."

    "Is that so? Maybe the Japanese are asking too much? I'm pretty happy."

    "I used to point at the Kanagawa Police and laugh, but now that I've moved to Kanagawa Prefecture, they're just a cause for serious concern."

    "When I was living in the Mexican countryside for work, my house was broken into. I immediately tried to call the police, but the man next door told me that even if the police come, I shouldn't let the police into the room first! Why? Because the police steal valuables. I was shocked. I guess our country is now like Mexico was back then (sorry to the Mexicans 🙇 )."

    "I said to myself, it must be the Kanagawa Police. It turned out to be the Kanagawa Police."

    "TV drama shit."

    "I didn't know Ashikawa was in Kanagawa."


    "Where's all the angry online right-wingers?"

    "American colony."

    "Is it common to bring vibrators to Kanagawa Police parties?"

    "Feels like he's carrying the Kanagawa Police on his back."


    121 MPs implicated in "close ties" with Unification church

    Yahoo Auctions bans selling endangered animals

    "There's companies like this, huh? "

    "I thought it was a hoax, but it's true... I'm sad as someone who was involved in the real estate industry. If this is how the major companies are, who knows what the presidents of small and medium-sized companies will say. In the real estate industry, there are some presidents who punish their subordinates with stun guns or ashtrays, so common sense does not apply."

    "'If you get the vaccine, you'll die in five years.' Incredible 🙊"

    "This is good! What's good is for everyone to reaffirm that peer pressure is not good. Vaccine passports, masks, and self-restraint are all violations of everyone's rights!"

    "In other words all the salesmen at Tama Home haven't been vaccinated. It's sales terrorism."

    Taro Kono, if selected as Japan's next PM, will follow in Abe's footsteps as the grandson of a war criminal once purged by the US military and "later rehabilitated as part of the so-called reverse course in US occupation policy."

    Liberal Democratic Party MP: we invited adult dancers to LDP meeting for "expression of diversity"

    Osaka Water Agency employee fired for history of microwaving lunch during shift

    Tokyo kindergarden advertizing DNA test kits to wealthy parents: 'Know your child's future'

    Gifu Prefecture senior officer fired after telling two subordinates "go cut off a finger"

    "An overall deficit of 2.3 trillion yen - Marred by corruption and price-fixing, what did the 2021 Olympics leave behind? "

    Japan "a country of 2M yen ($13,875 USD) annual salaries" - the dangers outlined by Fast Retailing CEO

    1.7% of population (1.48M people) suspected gambling addicts in Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare national survey

    School truancy rising exponentially - 700% increase among 1st graders since 2012

    Tax burden of under 30s 30.4% of total income, near 2X increase since 1996

    "For Dentsu the fine is even less than what they pay in taxes."

    "The fine is low and forcibly suspending business operations would've been more appropriate. When Dentsu was barred from bidding surely there were opposing pressures from the fear that government projects wouldn't be able to move forward. And thus only light damage to Dentsu. If government bidding itself isn't reformed then suitable measures can't be taken. "

    "A 42.9 billion yen profit for Dentsu."

    "Truly frightened and angry that investigators would fabricate evidence 😡"

    "Longest in the world. The police, district prosecutor's office, the court, the media, etc. are all responsible. Some kind of retroactive punishment, an apology, and huge compensation should be paid to the victim."

    "It's fine (for Mainichi and Tokyo Shimbun) to apologize, but it's not that the newspapers 'failed to uncover the truth,' but rather that they decided he was the culprit based on arrest alone. If that were the case surely they've acted similarly in other cases."

    "I've been teaching about the Hakamada case every year for 18 years. The unwearable clothing presented as evidence, a clear case of false imprisonment. A horrible crime of public power."

    "Judicial reform is badly needed, something which has not been much discussed since the war. Suggestions that the judiciary is perfect should be wiped away. People involved in the judicial system are human beings. Mistakes can happen, and if they do, they need to be corrected."

    Kyoto police Chief transferred after telling subordinate "I'll kill you."

    Hiroshima police investigator sentenced to 10 months in prison after photographing CSAM from workplace database, taking upskirt photos

    "Unsurprising for someone whose father was an Irgun member."

    "Only a nuisance if you come here with a false sense of pacifism anyway."

    "The trash only comes out smiling when it's convenient for them."

    "Victims being used for political purposes by leftists"

    500,000 yen decline in average income for young men since 1996, now less than 3m yen($20,085) in most areas of the country

    Amid rising inflation average daily protein intake falls to post-war levels

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